In 2005 I ran across a large herd of horses whose numbers were dropping slowly within the herd, periodically & mysteriously (so it seemed at the time), horses would die due to unknown causes. Knowing that unexplained things do happen to horses, I did not pursue the matter further. Over time the death toll rose & I became even more suspicious. In my personal investigation, it was clear a "mixed herd" was being fed daily (so they said), but only once a day in one spot.... (read more) Over 50 horses (of mixed age, health, & hierarchy had to fight among themselves for feed. Those of you who really care about the well-being of horses know survival of the fittest rules in the horse world! Although I brought the need to separate the herd into more appropriate groups (at the very least for feeding), my desires were ignored. Sadly more horses died (mostly from sheer starvation & neglect). Included among the deaths was a horse dear to me: Bobby Sock Doc (son of Doc Bar pictured with me-above. I played bugle on Bobby's back. He proudly led us safely in "charge", or the "call to mess" (gather for lunch). Too little too late, I insisted they care for the more emaciated & Sr horses immediately. To my surprise I was told "you care so much-you take 'em", so I did. Due to the age & health of these particular horses, they still remain here at Happy Horse Haven (the rescues name as it became the following year). Almost all of the horses at Happy Horse Haven Rescue are adoptable to qualifying competent, loving, caring families. All adoptive families become a part of the HHH family & are contacted periodically every year for photos & updates, even visited in person. An adoption contract is signed which includes a declaration that no horse will be knowingly sold to slaughter. Even a "return clause" is included when horses can no longer be cared for, as well as an "upon death" clause to designate where the horse goes at that time. Every measure is taken to provide for a healthy, happy & safe future for adoptive Happy Horse Haven Rescued horses!