Breeding quality AQHA, NFQHA quarter horses, concentrating on the dun gene. Our horses are conformationally correct, athletic, smart and willing with…
arabians for sale and standing at stud
Small hobby farm with a passion for what we do and grateful for all we have.
We are a breeder of quality Quarter horses. Feel free to stop in and talk horses.
We have a small group of brood mares and a couple stallions with some of the greatest bloodlines. Our stallions bloodlines include, Beduino, Chicks…
Fantastic horse ranch with excellent pedigrees and top notch training. Hunting and Fishing Tips, Hunting Lodges and Outfitters, Fishing Charters and…
Racing, breaking, and training facility. We raise, race, and sell racing Quarter Horses that are also excellent performance prospects.
Training/Showing/Sales Specializing in reining and cowhorse disciplines.