Preserving, protecting, and promoting the true Appaloosa through multiple registries and organizations including ApHC, RAB, ICAA, FAHR, FAA, CRHA…
A family run farm with 30+yrs of horse experience in breeding, training, showing, and sales of horses (mostly performance Quarter Horses). We specialize…
Breeding Exceptional quality Tennessee Walkers since 1996. They have wonderful conformations with animated smooth natural gaits. Our horses and…
National & World Champion Miniature Horses & Shetland Ponies. Most Pinto eligible. Also homozygeous National Champion ASPC/AMHR/PtHA stallion at stud…
Small farm, breeding quality Appaloosa Sporthorses and warmbloods.
Quality Haflingers and Belgians
Training Show Horses using knowledge gained over the last 25+ years of experience.
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