LWF Sport Horses is the home of the 1997 Dutch Warmblood stallion, Patrick, his ISR/Oldenburg registered offspring, and several Warmblood broodmares…
Serenity Stables is 'An Education Center for Untifying Horse and Man.' We Pride ourselves in working with the every day horse person to the top competitors…
11 Yr old Verband Oldenburg Mare by Pablo. Flashy mover. Broodmare, ground work started, lunged, long lined, ready to start. Was not started due to…
GOLDEN TRAILS HORSE BOARDING. Location: 4-corners of Highland/Milford/Commerce/White LK Twps inside Highland State Rec Area next to downtown Milford…
Welcome to Groveland! Come visit!
Inside board-10x12 stalls-$250/month-daily turnout-Pasture board-$125. 150x60 indoor arena-lessons/your horse or mine-breaking/training-trails-4H…
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