A small farm raising colorful quality Miniature Horses and Persian Cats in Southeast Ohio
We have a lovely 70x165 Indoor Cover-all arena and a standard 66x198 Dressage size outdoor arena. New Image Training Center has 75 acres nestled…
We are a small but excellent breeding, boarding and training barn. All of us take great pride in the care and treatment of both the horse and rider…
We raise Quality Tennessee Walking horses and occasionally have horses for sale, colts for sale and fillies for sale. Our Stallion is sired by Spotted…
Pleasure Walking Horse Faucility.Breeding of Last Chance Lines New Line of Last Chance/Golden GamblerBack to our Roots, what Walking horses are all…
we are a small miniature horse breeder.
I breed American Paint horses for gentle dispositions all around performance and color to boot. My Stallion you can see in the picture is MIGHTY JOE…
Standing Itsthesameoldsong, Grizzly and Battle Rags Ohio Thoroughbred breeding and racing