I board, breed, and train horses. I also offer riding lessons.
Generations of Ohio based Belgian breeding for farming and show usage
We are a family owned and operated farm. we offer boarding, breeding, lessons and training. We have 18 stalls, pasture, 120 x 60 indoor arena and…
A family farm. We breed Paints, German Shepherds, Golden Retreivers. Also run a Semi Truck Body Shop.
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Serenity Farm Gypsy Horses is a Family run farm, who not only adore each of their horses, but is proud to breed and show a small quality herd of outstanding…
Located in Springfield, Ohio, Legacy Pines Performance Horses, formerly Loden Reining Horses, is a full-service marketing facility offering training…
We breed quality KWPN horses for dressage, driving, jumping, eventing and fox hunters