Several horses available for sale.
We are a private group of individuals, we refer to these lovely people as our Valkyries, that pull equine from auction houses and kill lots to offer…
Currently standing the most sought after bloodlines in the Quarter Horse Industry! The best minds and movement to be competitive in the show world…
We are a large Standardbred breeding/racing operation. We try only to keep Stakes caliber horses, so need to part with some others. We offer a number…
We were originally called Arcadian Arabians as we were raising Arabian horses then. In about 1990, Gert developed Rhumatoid Arthritis and could no…
96 acre wooded farm located in North Central West Virginia. Specializing in Show Quality trail horses focusing on temperment, gait, size and conformation…
We strive to breed the best quality stock of Foundation Appaloosas. We look for quality in conformation, intelligence, and versatility. We are the…
T&T Horse Supplies , Quality saddles New & Used, English & Western Supplies.