Small AMHA/AMHR miniature horse breeding farm specializing in minis with good personality and easy to work with. We have minis that love people and…
CEC- Holland offers 21 spacious stalls. Situated on 26 acres next to Secor Metro Park. 6 pasture turnouts. An Indoor and Outdoor arena.
Raising quality paints and quarter horses
We raise miniature horses.
Feel free to walk through our pastures! Most of our Appaloosas are descendents of the great Bright Eyes Brother & have the same wonderful, loving…
Honey Tree Stables is owned and operated by Sarah S. Oelerich, a Professional Rider and Trainer with over 20 years of varied experience randing from…
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Hes a beautiful two year old Sorrel Paint. His dam is Impressive and his sire is Awesome Andy. He has only one spot under his belly. Has 4 white socks…