breeders of Spotted Saddle Horses and Tennessee Walking Horses
I specialize in pinto and blue-eyed registered miniature horses with exceptional personality, pedigree and conformation.
Offer shoeing, teethwork, boarding and sales prep. Also standing 2 Spotted stallions.
Breeding World Class AQHA and APHC horses for the show ring.
Breed, sell and Show Gaited Mules.
Culleoka TN 50-acre farm specializing in Spotted TWH colts for sale. Also stud service by B/W homozygous Tobiano TWH/SSH or by Classic Champagne TWH…
Located in Hendersonville, TN Standing at stud: A Obvious Playboy AQHA Superior Halter Stallion
We sell family trail horses of all breeds and breed purebred friesians both black friesians and chestnut friesians