Michael Jackson Halter Horses is conveniently located just minutes from downtown Indianapolis. The facility features a 80' x 120' indoor arena, 1…
We are a little farm just outside of Greenwood, Indiana. We have Morgans, Quarter horses,and POAs.
Standardbred Facility
We are small Indiana Thoroughbred breeding farm, we stand Fighter Joe son of Sire of Sire's Danzig
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Breeders of Quality Foundation Bred Dun, Buckskin and Grulla Quarter Horses
Speed Racking Horses.We have Registered Single-Footing Stallions EZD's Falcon Rowdy bloodline and Blue Roan Pretty Boy Floyde.We breed for the ultimate…
Striving to become the top small Appaloosa breeding farm in Ohio, Enchanting Acres offers one stallion for breeding, seen in the picture. The Last…