we are a small miniature horse breeder.
Standing Champion SE / AK Black Arabian Stallion, Extremely Shai. Changing the future of Arabians, one foal at a time. Beautiful get on premises.…
We have a small 14 stall boarding farm with 45 years of experience caring for horses. 60 x 100 indoor, 11 acres of trails, lighted outdoor paddock…
Horse Boarding, Arena Rental, Horses for Sale, Stallion Service Excellent Boarding Facility, indoor arena, round pen, trailer parking, quiet roads…
Dressage, Hunter/jumper training, Natural horsemanship, liberty, trick training. Clinics and Breeding (AI and Frozen). Stallion training and behavioral…
Breeding and Training facility, plus opening soon a new boarding and lesson facility with indoor and outdoor arena's and a small training cross country…
located in South Woodslee Ontario on 65 acres of land and bush.
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