I am a natural horsewoman, equine body worker and a pa’u rider from hawaii. As such, I move with my horse, for the horse. From pre ride groom, to…
Breeding and raising friendly Tennessee Walking horses for the trail. All stock is easy to catch and have good ground manners. Broodmares have been…
Specializing in Natural Horsemanship methods training horses of any discipline, age or breed regardless of any prior and past issues, the horse will…
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeding and Training Facility
PRE stallions at stud, sales, lessons, boarding, shows, horse rentals, video and photo-shoots.
Showing and breeding top quality paso fino show horses, with bloodlines of Capuchino, Rapid del Paso, Millionario, Cantante, Director and on..
Beautiful, gated ranch. Full board provided, in addition to other services.