Grade, gorgeous leopard POA Appaloosa, 3 yr old. He is foundation bred and is 1/4 draft. He is a cross and lacks a pedigree/registration. He has…
SOLD"Bandit" is a 7 year-old finished ranch horse, standing 15HH and stout. He is stunning with a deep golden buckskin color, one blue eye, and will dapple…
SOLD“Chances Are Good”, a.k.a., “Chance”, is a 2001 sorrel overo APHA gelding with two blue eyes and a flaxen mane and tail. Chance is looking for his next…
SOLD*Sale Pending* "Fame" is a 16HH Quarter Horse gelding that knows his job and runs the same every time. He has been a great confidence builder for me…
SOLDA diamond in the Thoroughbred rough, Manny is a sweet, goofy OT Thoroughbred. We're moving (military) and can't take him with us. He's an easy rider who…