⭐️Introducing Chief⭐️ Chief is a GRADE Spotted Tennessee Walking horse gelding. He is Gaited!! 15-16 years old 15-15.1hh Chief is very broke and…
SOLD“Buck” aka Remington's Buckshot - a 12 year old buttermilk buckskin Quarter Horse registered with the ABRA (American Buckskin Horse Association) standing…
SOLD"Myles" is by World Champion and multiple World Champion sire, Wing Mann, and out of a daughter of Slightly Zipped. Has 60 days of riding - soft, willing…
SOLD$300 per month ONLY THIS WEEK. If you can get him out of here by next Sunday, you can have him at this price per month. Any day after that and his price…
SOLDLovely percheron mare good with everyone. She is currently in our lesson program, but we need to downsize (literally - she is too big for our kids). She…
SOLDVery rare, naturally gaited 15 year-old Tennessee Walking Horse (not registered) gelding. Raised from a colt. Many years of trail experience all over Mt…
SOLDWyatt is 15'2hh, nearly "bomb-proof", a beginner-safe and sturdy trail horse. He will shed out to a dark palomino paint in the next few weeks, reach…
SOLDBriar is a very easy going Arabian with the classic elegant head. She has been ridden by various levels of riders. She always aims to please. She has been…