Nathan is a laid back, easy keeper, halter, leads and lifts feet. He is on allbreedpedigree. Along with the results of disease and colour testing of…
SOLD⭐️Introducing Chief⭐️ Chief is a GRADE Spotted Tennessee Walking horse gelding. He is Gaited!! 15-16 years old 15-15.1hh Chief is very broke and…
SOLDFoxy lady is a rock solid mount that anyone would be happy to get under the Christmas tree. She is a 14.2 hand 6 year old, Missouri, Foxtrotter/Rocky Mountain…
SOLDThis is "TWINKIE", one really cool, well broke, seasoned PALOMINO RANCH & TRAIL GELDING. He stands 14.2 hands tall and is 10 years old. He is muscular…
SOLDThis is George! 14'2 hand app gelding. His coggins call him 16.. id say he's probably 18, but either way... George is a broke dude! We have had him a…
SOLDBennet is an 11 year old grade gelding that stands 15hh. He is an awesome trail horse, but doesn’t care for arena riding much, although he will do it.…
SOLDLila is a 5 year old, 15 hand, Belgian cross mare. This girl is the perfect size with the right build who is also safe! Lila has been ridden English and…
SOLDWrangler is a 14.2 hand, 6 year old, Haflinger cross gelding. This fella has a lot of heart and try and would make a great endurance horse. He has good…
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