I am an independent breeder. I may not be a top show barn or big-time breeder, but I can promise the personal touch in every horse that comes from…
Arabian Half Arabian/Friesian Sporthorses and Fell Pony Crosses
I am struggling with health issues and none of my kids have the 'itch' to stay in the horse breeding business--I'm retiring--make a herd wide offer…
We specialize in training and showing of barrel and reining horses.
No Description Available
Lacey's has 18 stalls, outdoor paddocks and green pasture available for boarding. Indoor/Outdoor Riding Arena, Round Pen, Tack Room and Party Area…
Pasture board $100/mo. 2 stall barn for $200/mo, Paddock boarding for $150/mo. HUGE outdoor arena, 60 and 20 ft round pens. All horses are grained…
I do all the work myself. But the horses are introduced to others and they all learn to have great ground manners, accept a bit and learn to have…