Horse Of My Dreams is a small family owned and operated horse business with an immense passion for pairing amazing families with the horse or pony…
MCRC Equestrian is a licensed USPC Pony Club Riding Center, located at the gorgeous Canada Larga Stables. We teach horsemanship from the ground up…
Complete training for both horse and rider. 30+ years of professional equestrian experience in hunter/jumper, dressage & western pleasure disciplines…
Horseback riding lessons for all ages and experience- We ride at your pace. Complete training for both horse and rider.
Horse Training
Private Boarding and lessons. Specialty in English and Western Pleasure Riding and Showing, trail trials, and trail riding. mare with foal, layups…
Multiple National and Regional Championships! Offering training and instruction in halter, dressage, english/western pleasure, hunt and saddle seat…
Dressage training for horse and rider from training level through Grand Prix