Boarding, Lessons and Training
Boarding facility in Capron, IL 134 acres of trails, outdoor riding arena as well as an indoor arena, heated viewing area/lounge
Full service boarding barn.We offer full size box stalls picked 6 days a week,lined with rubbermats and full of fluffy shavings.Horses are fed hay…
Stoney Run Farm in Northwest Indiana's premier broarding, breeding and training facility.
Our farm is focused on producing and developing happy, sane, talented, safe mounts for amateurs in the dressage and H/J disciplines. Our horses also…
Full Service Boarding facility with trainer/instructor on site. Training and instruction available with Wendy Curelo in Western Pleasure & Horsemanship…
Horse Logic is based in Burlington, IL. Services offered: Classical Dressage, Western, and Hunt Seat Lessons. Come ride exceptional & experienced…
MC Performance Horses and Boarding Facility Full care boarding and training facility with multiple turnouts, indoor/outdoor arena, 18 acres…