We are small family owned/run operation devoted to the gaited horse. We specialize in beginner safe gaited horses. We also trick train some of our…
We breed, raise, train and show quality horses in the NRHA events. We specialize in Aged Event horses for both the Open and Non-Pro. We also have…
Myo-inositol trispyrophosphate (ITPP) Energize your horse and greyhounds at race by applying our ITPP product. Increase the effectiveness and…
Family farm located in Hart County, KY. Our farm offers boarding, overnight stay, training, lessons, SAE sponsorships, and more. Future small scale…
Armstrong Stables is nestled in the picturesque hills of Lebanon Junction, Kentucky down a beautiful tree lined driveway. We began our business over…
TRAINING Natural Horsemanship- Equine will be worked daily, 7 days a week 2-4 hours a day prices include Grain, Water, Hay, and Pasture 30 day…
"Correct mistakes by making the right thing easy and the wrong thing difficult—and always rewarding the slightest try." ~Clinton Anderson~
Specializing in Barrel Horses. Buy, Sell, Trade, Lessons, Boarding, Training