Small mountain horse breeder 5 hours north of Lexington & 20 min south west of Cleveland. Horses of all ages and prices.
22 stall boarding/lesson facility. Beginner thru Advanced, showing or non-showing clients welcome age 8 and up. The Farm is located in Sharon Center…
Lone Oak Farm offers indoor and outdoor riding arenas and trails too. Training and boarding available. Horses are for sale at all times. A fun place…
Horse boarding facility located in Sharon Center, Medina County. Minutes away from both I76 and I71. Indoor arena, Outdoor working area, trails. Full…
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Youth Resort an upscale youth ministry resort and ranch with horses under saddle and horses that are in need of love and understanding from our youth…
One Love No Boundaries Horse Rescue Rescue Train Rehabilitate Love
located in Grafton ,ohio, offers trail riding