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Horse Boarding for $180 per month. Farm is located in Sumpter Twp. Michigan just south of Belleville. Stall/pasture board available. Miles of wooded…
Hidden Creek Ranch is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to providing you and your equine partner with the best care available. We have the very…
The Heartwood Arabians facility was built in 1992 on 42 acres in Carleton, MI and was designed to create a healthy, safe environment for horses. Approximately…
We board and train trail horses. 248-767-9599
Fun, friendly horseback riding lessons, training and boarding
Luton Performance Horses Centennial Farm Horseback riding lessons private and group by the hour. Schooling horses available for all levels of riders…
Castleview Stables is a family-owned boarding stable. It is a small facility, accomodating a maximum of 7 horses. Features include many scenic trails…