We believe in natural healing with modern day veterinary medicine. We strongly feel that nutrition and natural supplements are the most important…
Indoor and outdoor areana. We have 17 stalls. Turn out daily while weather permits. Hay and grain 2x daily.
Private Farm
The Horse Barn has been Family owned and operated since 1975. We offer every kind of horse boarding to meet your unique needs. We also offer horse…
Based in Urbana, I offer safe, affordable horsemanship lessons to kids and adults. I am a CHA certified Level 2 Riding Instructor.
We are a family-oriented, client friendly boarding, lesson, and breeding facility conveniently located to Columbus, Dublin and Marysville. Our facilities…
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Located in Springfield, Ohio, Legacy Pines Performance Horses, formerly Loden Reining Horses, is a full-service marketing facility offering training…