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The Heartwood Arabians facility was built in 1992 on 42 acres in Carleton, MI and was designed to create a healthy, safe environment for horses. Approximately…
Small family owned farm
We are in love with the Gypsy Vanner and the Friesian and strive to create some stunning horses.
We offer horse boarding, lessons, training and horses for sale and lease. We have a 60x120 indoor arena as well as a 180x220 outdoor lighted arena…
Find your Forte! Our instructor is certified by the United States Hunter Jumper Association and has an equine studies degree. She has been teaching…
We are an up and coming full facility equine loving farm. We look forward to introducing a series's of horse shows that will give English, Western…
SS Equestrian Center is conveniently located less than 3 miles west of downtown Owosso. Riding lessons, training, boarding, clinics, show coaching…