I am a professional horsewoman with 30 years of professional horse training and coaching experience. I specialize in helping riders and horses overcome…
Hippotherapy, therapeutic horseback riding
We offer a horse boarding experience just like private ownership. With only 2 stalls total, there’s no waiting for facilities or maneuvering around…
Beautiful Brand New Barn, centrally located on the Davie trail system. Just a two-minute ride and you're in Tree Tops Park. Your horse will be relaxed…
Horse Boarding on Tree Tops Park Mount Kenya Farm is located directly off of Tree Tops Park. Just open the gate and get on the trails for miles…
My horse barn.
Hunter/Jumper, Dressage, Therapeutic Riding and much more!
Welcome We have been leaders in this industry since the very beginning. Our highly advanced quality and popular range of products catapulted us…