All around horse training facily in the rolling hills and woods of south central Indiana.
Our Farm consists of 20 acres, a 48x72 Morton horse barn, with 10 stalls, 12x12 size. A 60 x 150 outside arena and a 60 ft round pen. Along with…
We specialize in starting young horses and putting a solid foundation on them. These days, the best insurance policy a horse can have is good training…
We are located just East of Osceola and just South of Lincolnway in Jimtown. We are a dressage and open jumper barn, with the emphasis on dressage…
Conviently located facility offering year round Riding lessons, horse camps, leasing, birthday parties, training, & Boarding.
Built in 2006 on 20 acres of rolling pasture land, Windsor Stables is a boarding facility dedicated to the care of the equine animal. Our mission…
New establishment with lots of room to grow. Will offer 75-80 pasture acres and 10-12 wooded riding acres.
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