Boarding, Rescue, Adoption. We offer full, partial, and overnight board. Discount rates available for long term boarding and referrals. Beautiful…
37 Acre private farm w/large grass pasture for turnout. Large outside arena, round ring, 1/2 mile exercise track and 5 acres of trails. $225/month…
We own a dairy farm but once owned a horse.
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Our Farm consists of 20 acres, a 48x72 Morton horse barn, with 10 stalls, 12x12 size. A 60 x 150 outside arena and a 60 ft round pen. Along with…
Training/Breaking in Western or english. Boarding. 4-H group. Fun and friendly Farm for you and your Equine friend from the ground up!
We are located just East of Osceola and just South of Lincolnway in Jimtown. We are a dressage and open jumper barn, with the emphasis on dressage…
located on accessible State and US highway intersection. Frankfort, OH 45628 Also specializing in horse tail extension sales.