Northern Kentucky's Premier Equestrian Facility. Specializing in Hunter/Jumpers and Equitation. State of the Art Facility offering; Boarding, Lessons…
family ran since 1969 , Christian based learning, and fundimential training of horses and riders
A 4th generation horseman, owner/trainer Craig Cates has spent his life teaching riders at every skill level the "saddleseat" riding style and training…
Cutting horse training, fresh cattle practices, coaching for shows, riding lessons, cutting clinics. NCHA director, NCHA 'AAA' judge, NCHA Youth Committee…
we are large breeder of mare and tennessee walking horses.we are do breed our horses and give them the best of what we can afford.all our horses are…
Boarding: The facility offers full board and pasture board. Amenities include: Wood fenced round pen One extra large indoor arena with excellent…
Mane Gait Farm offers horse boarding, training and trails on a private 90 acre farm.
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