5 year old Pinto mare. She is color registered only. She is very stout and a beautiful horse. We get compliments every where we take her. She has been…
$8,500We are reducing prices to get a few of these babies to their new homes before our real hard winter months. The video link attached actually features a…
$12,500Phaedra Orelia AKA Ora Registered Andalusian Buckskin Mare Born March 25th, 2021 15’1hh and still growing Located in BC, Canada Can ship anywhere…
$15,0007 yo 14.1h Morgan Paint Cross Mare. Grade horse. Currently in training program for hunter/jumper and jumpers for 6 months. Now jumping over 2’ and progressing…
$5,400Joy is a 5 year old titled mustang mare (no adoption approval required). She has all the ground work done. She’s eager to please, and does best when invited…
$2,500LeAnn is everything you could ask for in a cowhorse and an absolute blast to ride! She is a stout, strong mare with a great set of withers, uphill built…
No Price Listed"Kitty" is a beautiful golden dappled palomino with a great mind! She is suitable for all levels off riders and has the nicest gaits! She will float both…
No Price Listed**SOLD** "Chablis" is a beautiful black tobiano registered Missouri Foxtrotter mare. She is very personable and easy to work with. She leads, loads, ties…