Coco is a 9 year old registered TWH mare. She is black and white and homozygous for the tobiano gene meaning she will always have a spotted foal. She is…
$4,000Bella is a beautiful AQHA 2023 Buckskin filly with great conformation, the prettiest baby doll head and a very kind and good natured disposition. Her sire…
$12,500The Preacher, a Rocky Mountain smokey black Grullo, will be standing at stud in Mount Sterling Kentucky spring 2025! Preacher is 15.1 Hands -Homozygous…
$800Maple Woods Ex Tra Hot Blaze -10% $ale March! (Houdini) AMHA/AMHR 2022 TINY Buckskin Stallion looking for those 30" and…
$4,800CELTIC REVIVAL 5 yo mare winner of 3 races and over $100K in earnings. 50% ITM (16 of 34) By CONNECT (Curlin/Holy Bull) DANZIG bloodline on Dam size…
$1,200Pure Spanish mare. Impressive bloodlines! By Magico VIII out of Celadora (Centella V). Revised PRE. Registered IALHA & USEF. Solid Black-Bay (UC Davis…
$3,000Cute as a button pinto mare standing 34". She has just been hanging around bored. The grand kids have outgrown her and she wants a job. She is a character…
$2,900sired by Famoso PM III and out of Estimada Herreras, with a maternal line descending from Estimado IV, a stallion we imported from the prestigious Yeguada…
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