DAISY is an APHA double homozygous (TT,EE) buckskin tobiano filly. She was born March 26, 2024. She is a very dark buckskin. ***She is club foot on…
$2,500DAKOTA is really fancy, APHA, buckskin tobiano filly, born April 1, 2024. She is homozygous for the tobiano gene. Color Tested Ee,Aa,nCr,TT. She is…
$4,000CHLOE is an easy-going APHA yearling filly. She was born late 2023 on September 18th. She is color tested: EE,aa,TT and is 7 Panel N/N, by testing.…
$5,000Gorgeous tovero filly, almost solid white. Very unique looking with 1 black spot near her groin and a little on her left knee, and bit in the tip of her…
$5,000GMDH Moonlight’s Gentle Breeze Beautiful bay pearl tobiano filly born 5/4/24. Registered GVHS. She should mature 14+ hands and have ample hair. She does…
$10,000Dam: Passion Bucks Suzie (by Passion Buck o/o gdtr Zan Parr Bar) Sire: Hollywood N Rolex (bloodlines of A Tru Rolex, QT Poco Streke, Hollywood Dun It…
$6,500STRAIT SMOKIN DIPITY - BLUE 2004 bay tovero mare Dam: Her Serendipity (by Holidoc o/o dtr Doc Bar) Sire: Strait Gunsmokensugar (by Strait From Texas…
$3,0002023 grullo tobiano filly that tested homozygous for tobiano and also has cream gene. (TOTO, CRcr, DNdn, EE, aa) Her sire is a son of Ris Key Business…