Max is 2 yrs old and doing very well with his basic ground work. He is 10.3 and stocky. Has a great mind and loves to learn. Easy to train. Would also…
$1,000Registered TWH stallion available for breeding only. Great disposition and very talented mover. He stands 15.2 hands tall, and is still growing. $8 a day…
Stud Fee: $500Sparky has an amazing gait and super smooth. He is confident and not spooky. He has been highway driven and is very traffic safe. Sparky is bold, willing…
$6,500"Hot Rod" is a stunning and elegant looking stallion. It's like he jumped out of a fairytale. He looks like a miniaturized version of the large horse breed…
$2,000Drifter is a 2020 classic cream champagne foundation bred stallion. Drifter is solid, has good feet, bone, and correct build. He has a great mind and passes…
Stud Fee: $500Starlock is a 48" tobiano, purebred, triple registered, miniature Gypsy Vanner stallion. He is loaded with pedigree, has a great temperament, and confirmation…
Stud Fee: $600Dusty is a handsome Quarter Horse Perlino stud with the gentlest disposition I’ve ever seen in a stallion. He is the great-grandson of Shining Spark and…
Stud Fee: $250FamuswithFrenchGirls is a 2019 6 panel negative stallion bred for speed. He has a great personality and confirmation. His colts are stout and correct.…
Stud Fee: $750