Meet the Virginian. He's a spottedloosa. Very broke, smooth gaited and excellent trail horse. He is 15 hands and 6 years old. He's got a very sweet…
$10,000Pretty Jenny to run with cattle, sheep, or goats. She has been exposed to a black and white spotted jack for 2025.
$1,000He is 13 years old and 14.2 hands. He is a very broke gelding, smooth gaited and excellent on the trails.
$6,500* * (Her registration for the Pinto Horse Association Solid Registry is currently pending. Forms have been submitted and…
$8,000She is a 3 year old trail filly. Great trail horse with a smooth gait. Rides alone or with large groups. Good with dogs. She is by MCF Cannon's Destiny…
$8,500This is Scooby Do. He is 8 years old and 14.2 hands. He is a very good, quiet horse. More whoa than go. He is doing in excellent in his training. He…
$6,500Very nice spotted Jack colt will be small would be around 31 inches both parents are spotted
$3,000Mia, chestnut Arab mare. Coming 10 yrs old this spring. Currently bred for early summer foal. Had a gorgeous buckskin tobiano colt in 2024, and is bred…