⭐️Introducing Chief⭐️ Chief is a GRADE Spotted Tennessee Walking horse gelding. He is Gaited!! 15-16 years old 15-15.1hh Chief is very broke and…
SOLD2000 IF PICKED UP BEFORE CHRISTMAS. I have too many horses. Ozark is a 6 year old grade Appaloosa. This is the sweetest horse I’ve ever owned! On the ground…
SOLDThis is "SASSAFRAS", a real fancy going, extra flashy, naturally gaited BAY AND WHITE SPOTTED SADDLE MARE that has been on the trails and through the woods…
SOLDJust in time for Christmas! Every little girl or boy wants Muffin under their tree and delivery is available! She measures only 33"! She is so sweet, leads…
SOLDThis sweet jenny has been protecting a flock of sheep. She would love to move into your stable this Christmas to look over your flock or be a loving pet…
SOLDWho needs an adorable spotted mini Jack baby? We have loved watching Dennis grow and spoiling him with love but Dennis is officially ready for his new…
SOLDChristmas is just around the corner, and this little donkey is perfect for under the tree! Meet Hope - a charming 6-month-old miniature spotted jack who…
SOLDBUY NOW PRICE 1900 on MAGIC HORSE AUCTION, starting bid 1200 Christmas is just around the corner, and this little donkey is perfect for under the tree…