Howdy y’all!! I have 30 plus years and counting of daily horse experiences. I like to tell people I’m a horse and human trainer! I do everything from helping…
Located in Pickens County GA, in the town of Talking Rock. The farm is approximately 90 acres with plenty of green grass and open pastures. The main pasture…
Stephenson equine is now accepting new farrier clients. We pride ourselves on making your horse the most sound and comfortable possible. We provide farrier…
Hello ,I am a rider from Europe in North GA, I go by Myna. I’ve trained with show jumpers and eventers as well as a dressage riders for over 12 years and…
Grooming services,lg.animal vet tech Retired equine enthusiast offering grooming and therapeutic services to your horse. Grooming daily is often unattainable…
Beautiful Private Boarding Facility now accepting horses of all sizes and breeds (no stallions or miniatures please). Starrlight Farm is located on 23…
We have opening for 3 horses (there will be 5 horses total). We have approximately 15 acres fenced with a huge custom built run in shelter. We are in the…