Beginner riding and horsemanship lessons for children and adults. Located on a quiet family friendly farm in York Springs PA.
Full care or retirement boarding at Double Diamond Stables in Annville, PA. We operate a paddock paradise which provides grass free turnout and optimal…
If you are looking for a quiet, small barn for your horse, this is the place! We are a full board barn with field board available ($350/month). Contact…
We have a small but beautiful barn, pasture, and run in available for 1 horse. Full care such as seasonal daily turnout, hay and fresh water. You can…
Maree Guise owner of Equine Edge runs the english horseback riding lesson program at Harford Furnace Equestrian Center. Maree has years of experience teaching…
Ella South owner of ES Natural Horsemanship runs the western horseback riding lesson program at Harford Furnace Equestrian Center. Ella has years of experience…
If you are looking for a full-service equine facility to board your horse we may be the perfect fit for you! At Harford Furnace Equestrian Center we pride…
Professional Farm Programs available - Equine Nutrition Evaluations - Body Scoring & Conditioning - Farm Deliveries
Founder of Alivio Equestrian Academy, bringing over 30 years of experience in classical horsemanship. Tina Legno's style of horsemanship emphasizes…
LUSITANO STALLION MARQUES MC AVAILABLE FOR BREEDING IN 2025 If you are looking for an amazing foal with all the bells and whistles, check out this beautiful…