Witten Creek Farm Friesian Sporthorse Foals is expecting 10 Sporthorse foals this spring. Nine are sired by our FHANA registered Fruedian stallion, Vorn…
$7,000CC is a 2008 sorrel AQHA broodmare in foal to Farra Rey Time, a red roan son of One Time Pepto. He has earning in NCHA, NCHRA and AQHA. He has qualified…
$7,500RUKINROPE TUFF FALINE - FALINE 2010 red roan overo (sabino?) mare Dam: SPICY SPLASH (gdtr of ROPER'S SULLIVAN) Sire: FROST PAINTED EYES Big and…
$2,500Calm, gentle, easy to handle with or without a halter, easy keeper and calm & great mom. She has had 2 cremello, 2 silver dapples, one bay, one roan, one…
$2,500SUGARBUSH SMOKESHOW is an incredible registered Sugarbush Harlequin Draft filly with a royal pedigree. She is also EE Aa LPlp and 7panel NN through parentage…
$17,500TF Nora Jane - 2020 Red Roan American Brabant Mare 96% ABA and eligible for European Brabant registry as well. Sired by Imported stallion, Luka, and…
$8,500For sale not on sale… I am down to the last broodmare I’m “thinking” about selling. I have been reframing my breeding program to get away from AGOUTI…
$4,500Quick footed sorrel filly with a ton of feel. This filly will be a top end performance horse or a great broodmare with a unique cross of modern and traditional…