We are a family owned and operated farm. we offer boarding, breeding, lessons and training. We have 18 stalls, pasture, 120 x 60 indoor arena and…
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Family owned facility that offers full board for your horse or horses. Daily turnout, large outdoor arena, indoor arena, and a half mile galloping…
Harber Horse Stables is nicely set on 250 acres, about 150 of that is trail ridind the rest is farm
Horse Farm
full and partial board. outdoor arena 120x60. specializing in gaited horses. riding lessons available. all breeds welcome. daily turnout. 12x12…
Located in Delaware, OH. We offer training, lessons, summer camps and more! Visit our website for more info!! You can also follow us on facebook!
Our farm has 17 pygmy goats that we breed and sell and have for pets and to show at the Delaware, Oh. county fair. this 2011 year at the fair we got…