Horseback Riding near Maumee, Ohio

Horseback Riding near Maumee, OH

17 - 24 of 198
Helena, OH (29 mi)

Boarding Available! board includes, hay, grain, pasture everyday. 30 acres 4 riding, less than an hour from oak openings! lots of room to park trailers…

Boarding, Horseback Riding
Riding Arena
Gray Town, OH (29 mi)

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Short along creek.
Lessons, Horseback Riding, Trails
Riding Arena
Leipsic, OH (40 mi)

Breaking and Training horses and riders. Can work with you and your horse or lessons on mine.

Horses have been my passion my entire life. I’m told that I was riding with my father, before I could even walk. Over the years; breaking, training, and giving lessons has become a big part of my life. I have found an approach to training, which has allowed me to turn out happy and willing horses, which respect their rider/owner & they can continue to grow & learn as a team. How do you achieve a working one on one relationship with your horse? There are certain factors that should be considered: prior bad experiences, medical problems, personality conflict or the horse simply does not understand the command. At Riding a Dream, we explore alternate training methods on an individual basis. Although discipline is mandated, it is not achieved by harsh means like; hitting,beating, pulling, and using chains. We use patience and inspire confidence with horse and rider, while maintaining a safe environment for your horse, & a pleasurable experience for the rider as well. Our focus at RIDING A DREAM is to create a successful and confident riding team suited to continue on in any discipline from eventing, barrel racing, dressage, or trail riding. Remember, good things come to those who have patience, and take the time to nurture. Over 25 years experience in Riding, Training, and Showing in various disciplines. * Western & English Pleasure * Barrel Racing * Pole Bending * Extreme Obstacle Challenges * Trail * Driving Experienced in training various breed types: AQHA, APHA, APHC, AWB, Haflingers, Ponies, Arabians & others.
Lessons, Horseback Riding
Riding Arena
Britton, MI (32 mi)

We offer riding lessons for new or advanced students who are interested in learning more about horseback riding, horsemanship, and equitation. We…

Advanced, All Around, Beginner, Breaking, Competition, …
Training, Lessons, Clinics, Horseback Riding
Riding Arena
Milan, MI (37 mi)

At grand Maple Farm we provide customized full care board, as well as partial care opportunities. We strive to provide the best care for your horse…

22 acres to play and explore. Lightly traveled dirt roads for trekking.
Boarding, Training, Lessons, Clinics, Horseback Riding, Trails
Findlay, OH (36 mi)

Fun, friendly horseback riding lessons, training and boarding

Boarding, Training, Lessons, Horseback Riding, Trails
Riding Arena
Kansas, OH (33 mi)

Horse Boarding, Arena Rental, Horses for Sale, Stallion Service Excellent Boarding Facility, indoor arena, round pen, trailer parking, quiet roads…

Gibsonburg White Star Horse Trails - 7 miles. Oak Openings 40 miles.
Boarding, Horseback Riding, Trails
Fostoria, OH (33 mi)

Very quiet relaxing environment. Great place for all ages to come enjoy horses and all the benefits a relationship with a horse can bring.

We can ride around the outside of the pasture, in the open fields or down the road. If you like to trail ride van buren is only 10 miles away max from our farm.
Advanced, All Around, Barrel Racing, Beginner, Breaking, …
Boarding, Training, Lessons, Horseback Riding, Trails