Horse training and lessons, your place or mine. Refrences available!
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i do this at my friends house she has a eighbo that has a lot of land and we are able to train thie horses there. and also keep the horses there.
Gaited horse training specializing in owner/horse combination training. We show Western Dressage, Trail ride, pleasure ride, lessons, breed shows…
Passionate about horses and horsemanship. Only worries about the fairness of the horse. I really love dressage but have also have barrel raced, ridden…
Do you have a child who simply isn't interested in other sports? Are you an adult who wanted to learn to ride, but never had the chance? Are you…
Breeding an bording
Lane of Dreams Farm LLC is an equestrian training center for people and horses established in 2005 by Claire Johansen and Julie Vogel. Their mission…