Dipper is a grade, 3-4 year old paint gelding with DNA on file. He has a beautiful walk, trot and canter, and is currently learning his leads. He lunges…
SOLDSunny is a 12 year old, 16 hand, Friesian Morgan cross. Broke to ride and drive. He is well educated in the ring and has primarily been ridden western…
SOLDKat is a 5 year old, 16.1 hand, registered Friesian Morgan mare. She is 75% Friesian and 25% Morgan. This girl has been ridden both English and western…
SOLD13 year old quarter horse for sale. He does really well on the trails has ridden many trails with us he has trail ridden a few places such as Ohio, Pennsylvania…
SOLDThis is "A WINNING IN THE BLUE", an exquisite REGISTERED BAY MORGAN GELDING that is well broke to ride and drive. This nice gelding is 5 years old and…
SOLDThis is a unique naturally gaited BAY & WHITE TOBIANO MISSOURI FOXTROTTER MARE. This mare is naturally gaited, smooth, and easy to ride. She is novice…
SOLDThis is "D-K BETZ", a family, youth, and beginner friendly REGISTERED BLACK FRIESIAN SPORT HORSE MARE. She is 50% Friesian and 50% Morgan. She is out…
SOLDSuper attractive 11 yrs old Azteca (Lusitano- quarter horse cross) gelding just over 15.2hh Doesn’t have a lot of formal training but enjoys working and…
SOLDWe currently don't offer any Horses by State.