HSFHR is a 501c(3) located in Wernersville, PA. Vet recommended, we often have a wide array of residents at the farm. We strive to help each individual…
Hope's Anchor Farm is a private lesson barn in East Earl, Pa. It also functions as a rescue, we've taken in horses who would've gone straight to the…
Beginner and intermediate lesson barn and horse training.
Welcome to our world of beautiful silks, laces, trims, cottons and organics. Our love is quality silk. We carry stock of large colour ranges of…
Non-profit 501(c)(3) farm animal rescue operation.
Thoroughbred Dreams was founded in 2009. Our mission is to find a new career for the many thoroughbreds that get discarded after their racing career…
Pony Rides at your location! We also trailer to local gaming/fun shows and compete in western pleasure, halter, some english classes.