17 yr old, 14hands bay mare. She trail rides, great with kids and loves attention! Bailey is her name and she is a sweetheart!!
SOLD14 yo Grade Mare. This horse loves people and is one of the first to the gate. I have had her out on trail and in the arena and she has a nice smooth trot…
SOLDCookie is an 11 year old grade quarter horse mare. 15 hands. Utd on wormer, vaccines, teeth, farrier and coggins. She is more woah than go, but will go…
SOLDMisty is a Beautiful Blue Roan trail horse. She is well broke, easy to ride. Rides through water, never spooked or shied on the trail. No vices, bite…
SOLD⭐️ Super safe and quiet for any age and level, more whoa than go. Steady eddy type⭐️ Nacho 12 year old 14.1 hand bay Quarter Pony gelding. Super safe…
SOLD⭐️Jumps around and has a flying lead change⭐️ Ruby 9 year old 14.2 hand Quarter horse mare. Look at the coat on this mare. She shines like a copper…
SOLDGigi is a beautiful champagne TWH mare. She is 14.2 hands tall and 18 years old. She has been ridden all over Texas and then some. She likes to go on trail…
SOLDGunner was bred and trained by Sean Patrick and boy does it show! He has a superb work ethic and a playful personality that wins over everyone who handles…
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