Quality Bred, Quality Trained Performance Horses We offer clinics, lessons, training, equine massage, and whole horse education.
Our goal is to foster unwanted horses and retrain them so that they may be adopted out to people who dream of having their own horse.
Saving race horses, nursemare foals, and misc starvation cases.
Standing son of Doc's Oak. Selling crosses on own daughers of Dual Pep, Young Gun, Peppys boy 895, Wheeling Peppy, Peponitas Acres, Rustlers Risk…
TRAINING Natural Horsemanship- Equine will be worked daily, 7 days a week 2-4 hours a day prices include Grain, Water, Hay, and Pasture 30 day…
Halter horses Fitting, Showing and Sales! Home of World And Congress Champions
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