2 Spotted Mini Donkeys. Must stay together. Mom & her gelded son. He was born May 2022. Mom is around 7 yrs old. Halter broken, very friendly.
SOLD$2500 each, two baby Jenny’s and a baby jack available. First come first served, all very friendly and sweet pet types! 6 months old. Can hold til Christmas…
SOLDPair of weaning jacks will be ready to go in December! The grey is 6 months old, the spotted is 4 months old. They are half brothers and will mature around…
SOLDMeet Macho! A handsome 18 hand gentleman that will steal your heart with his great ground manners & puppy dog personality! At 13 years young, he is sound…
SOLDVIDEO: https://youtu.be/eitx583dtps Standing at an adorable height of 36", this little white gelding affectionately known as "Fluffy" is what children…
SOLDCopper Star R.Redford is the product of 20 years of breeding miniature donkeys. He is awesome. Super chill and friendly his temperament is very good. He…
SOLDWe currently don't offer any Horses by State.