3 year old fancy Gypsy Drum mare has ground work. Has not been started under saddle. Been desensitized to loud noises such as guns and machinery. Experienceed…
$10,000Wildflower is a beautiful gypsy vanner mare. she has been DNA tested, and the results came back as 34 Gypsy Vanner. She can be registered with IGEA at…
$9,000Sweet 4 year old AQHA Gelding, Brought in from pasture and started slowly since January - will have 60 days of riding on him as of 3/1/24. Ties, cross…
$5,000Ruby is a nice bay 2024 filly, granddaughter to Peptoboonsmal! This filly is sweet, cute, and friendly. Easy to catch and halter in a large pasture. Was…
$6,000Location: Gonzales 78629 Ripley is looking for a loving home! He is 3 ½ -4 years old. 40 inches tall. He’s been a part of my petting zoo business for…
$1,500Peanut is an absolute steal, my loss is your gain !! Peanut is a 13 year old paso fino with a heart of gold, a great brain and the desire to have a…
$3,500Nice filly with a money earning NCHA pedigree on her Dam's side. Her Sire is the Sire of the 2018 Kentucky State Youth Barrel Racing Champion & the 2023…
$6,500Looking for the cutest lil quarter pony you've ever seen? This is not your average lil pony, she's not lazy, goes thru all her gaits with ease, and she…
$5,000We currently don't offer any Horses by State.