AQHA yearling red roan gelding, Beau Double Baron, halter broke, easy to catch, good disposition.
SOLDWrangler is a 16 year old 15.1 hand registered quarter horse with great breeding. He is athletic and very well trained with an emphasis on reining. He…
SOLDTheo is a Gypsy-Appaloosa Mix. He was bred at Blackshire Equestrian Center in Randolph MN. His DOB 4/20/2017 and started training under saddle at 3 years…
SOLDSuper sweet 2yr old Standardbred filly pacer -broke to drive but never raced. Now has 60 days under saddle! She is level-headed and quiet. 100% sound,…
SOLD2023 Palomino AQHA Appendix Stallion JTS Driftin King x Medora Blue Lil Golden dappled palomino colt looking for a performance home. By JTS Driftin…
SOLDMedora Dan 2023 Bay AQHA Stallion JTS Drifin King x JJ Crystal Blackburn By a Frenchmans Guy/Gay Bar Freckles stallion and out of a DAUGHTER of…
SOLD2023 Clydesdale Draft Cross Colts All are by a registered 17.2hh Clydesdale stallion and out of stock-type mares. Dams are unregistered paint and quarter…
SOLDTobin is as talented and athletic as they come at 16.1 hands with a big muscular body. Tobin has shown 3'3" in both the hunter and jumper ring! He has…