Choo Choo was born March 20 2024 and will be ready to go to his forever home August 1. He will be AMHA & AMHR registered. He had 6.5” canon bone at birth…
SOLDChia was born on Feb 15 2024, she is grade and is not registered. She is a brown and white pinto, has a very spicy disposition and is full of life. We…
SOLDSuper cute & super friendly miniature pintaloosa filly! She is AMHR registered with papers in hand. Her sire & dam are both around 30-32". She is in with…
SOLDBlitzen was born & raised on our farm & is now ready to find his forever home. He has been handled extensively & has a great temperament. Loves humans…
SOLDLadies and Gentle men please have a look at Lance a 5 year old Gorgeous Clydesdale gelding! If you want it all in one package look no further he is absolutely…
SOLDWOW WOW WOW !!!! Meet Hershy's Sammy!!!! He is a Unique color and has temperament calm and gentleness to go with it. Sammy is 3/4 Belgian and 1/4 Quarter…
SOLDTango is an 8 year old Haflinger paint cross Gelding. That is very well broke to ride. Tango was born at the Hershberger Farm. He was in the petting area…
SOLDBig Mark !!! Mark is a 6 year old beautiful dapple gray gelding!! Mark is kid broke for any level rider. He is broke to ride and drive single or double…