“Lancelot” is the kindest soul. He is such a precious and affectionate boy and he now is ready for his new family. He stands 15.1hh, and is GVHS registered…
SOLD2012 Grey quarter horse! 15.2 Smooth ride. Loads, baths, ties, stands for farrier. Did barrels and poles. Roped ! Great bloodlines. Big names in papers…
SOLD2012 Grey quarter horse! 15.2 Smooth ride. Loads, baths, ties, stands for farrier. Did barrels and poles. Roped ! Great bloodlines. Big names in papers…
SOLDDonkey (jack) a little friendly.
SOLDJenny and her baby . They both are very friendly. Would like to sell them together since they have never been separated. Both located in bethpage TN.
SOLD2009 Sorrel Quarter horse ! Great papers ! Big names on papers ! Cutting horse ! Ties, loads, baths, stands for farrier. Did some barrels, poles and sorting…
SOLDSweetest pony ever ! She has done barrels, poles, parades and some jumping. Loads , baths, stands tied. Great for farrier. No buck ! No bite !
SOLDPony has done barrels,poles,parades and some jumping. No buck ! No bite ! Has taught both my girls to ride ! He is 13.2 hands. Easy to load, tack . Overall…