AMHR mare born March 22nd 2006. Raised from yearling on Lassiter Pond Miniatures. Has had many beautiful foals. Sold when owner passed. New owner looking…
SOLDWeanling miniature donkey jack. 6 months old and doing well with training. Has been exposed to other animals.
SOLDReady to roll! These boys are brothers and have been together since birth! They are 2 years old and received back due to a move of original client. Halter…
SOLD2016 Appaloosa stallion born June 22, 2016. Sireotsa Kolors a Black Sno Cap and Dam is LPM Painted Lady (Black/White pinto). Handled by young girls. They…
SOLD(SOLD) I just want this guy to go to a good and loving home. This boy is a gentle giant, with a love for people and other horses. He stands for the…
SOLDClyde is a 8 year old, grade quarter horse, Red Roan gelding that stands 15h. Clyde is as gentle as a puppy dog and will follow you around the pasture…
SOLDStarlight Riveter “Chex” is a registered AQHA red roan gelding. He is 4 years old and as broke as they come. Horses like Chex are hard to come by this…
SOLDHazy is a very fancy sooty buckskin gelding standing around 15hh, he is 9 years old and is one the most kind and gentle horses that you will find! Hazy…