?Goofy Super sweet John donkey good feet and broke to lead and to the halter! He is healthy! Looking for a good home! He’s young under 5 years old …
SOLDMeet Clifford! I DO HAVE PHOTOS OF KIDS ON HIM PM FOR THOSE Clifford has had a pretty rough go at life with some past situations.. however who doesn…
SOLD3 year old Friesian QH cross filly. She is green broke. More on the lazy side and is a kick ride. Been on a handful of trails. 14.3 hands tall.
SOLDEveryone meet sweet Eleanor ? This little filly is a true dwarf! She is broke to the halter and we are slowly working on her leading! This sweet baby…
SOLDMeet Alvin! (His professional photos coming soon!) Really cute 2 1/2 year old colt mini! He’s the tallest out of the bunch! (Will tape him this afternoon…
SOLDMeet Theodore! Theodore is a 5 year old 28 inch dwarf paint mini… however don’t tell him that as he says he identifies as your new bestfriend! He has been…
SOLDMeet Brittney! Brittney is a coming 4 year old black mini horse. She is halter broke and stands tied! She would make the perfect project pony for a lil…
SOLDSuper sweet mini jack donkey! Perfect size to put some small minis back into your herd!